On my previous post I had already mentioned about how to apply the sort to Bootstrap paginated tables. By making the following changes server side sorting can be achieved along with pagination. On Filter Model self.sortBy = ko.observable( 'Id' );//Default sort Column self.sortAscending = ko.observable( false ); self.iconType = ko.observable( 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down' ); // Icon to appear near Column No Changes to Adarsh Log Model or Adarsh Log list Model Knockout.js View Model for Adarsh Log Changes Add the sortTable method to it self.sortTable = function (viewModel, e) { var columClicked = $(e.target).attr( "data-column" ) var sortAscending = (self.filter().sortAscending() === true ) ? false : true ; self.filter().sortAscendi...
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