- .Session(various modes of storing sessions are inproc, stateserver, sql server) session end occurs only in inproc mode.
- Hidden Field -data cached on client side
- View state- Internally maintained as hidden filed (hashed)
- Hidden frames
- Query string- its is the info sent to the server appended at the end of the page
- Cookies
ORM is the process of creating the diagrams to represent real world concepts that influence the software. ORM contains objects(entity), relationship between the objects, and the attribute that define that object.( after hearing that we could think ea can use er diagram for this(ER diagram related with database) ORM offer purely logical modelling tool for users, business analysts, developers, architects etc.ORMs are creating for the users requirements.
Quality of Service requirement(QOS) -Defines a contractual, or non-functional requirement that the system must be meet. These requirements are often used to define scalability, performance
Design patterns
:- Design patterns are commonly used framework for solving the problems in software development. This is a structural solution for the object oriented concepts. Design is the most important phase of the software development phase. While designing try to use design pattern as common solutions to you component structure. Most common example is singleton ( its mainly used when there is only one instance of the class required)
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