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Some Interview .NET Questions - part 1

1) Difference between the .NET frame works
Frame work 1.1- Basic frame works + Web services+ Common language run time (CLR)
Frame work2.0- Generics, partial classes etc
Framework 3.5- LINQ, AJAX etc

2)Web Services- Web Services are the BL (business logic) component . Its providing services via internet using the standard internet protocols like HTTP.  In order to expose the business functionality  web services uses a SOAP(Simple object access protocol, uses XML format). XML format make it platform independent. So services can written using windows can communicate with different platforms like Unix and Linux.

3)Strong names:- Its like GUID. Strong name are used by the global assembly cache, to differentiate between different versions.

4)Dispose Method:-Dispose is from Disposable interface. If you want to clean up an unmanaged resource best way to implement the IDisposable interface and override the Dispose method.

5) Enum- Constants are defined using enum key word

6) Globalisation:- systems whose features are not based on one language or location

7) Form based authentication
Users are presented with a form for entering their credentials(user-name and password)
When the user make a request for page, the request is going to the internet information service(IIS). The IIS will check weather the ip-address that made the request is able to access the site. If the IP do not have any domain restriction the request is granted and is redirected to the ASP.NET. Other wise the user is denied the access.The ASP.NET will check for a special kind of cookie available. If that cookie is present that means that user has already authenticated and is passed for authorisation. During authorisation phase ASP.NET will check the user is authorised and has the necessary permission for the requested resources.


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