An old saying, - First Impression is the best impression. When we are applying for the jobs, chances of getting interview depend mainly on CV
. Each location has its own CV
format. While applying for an UK based job you need to sent a standard UK format CV
(optional cases some organisations do not accepts CV
1 Header with Name, phone number and email address (avoid address)
2 Career Conspectus – Describe about your experience, what technology you familiar with, what domain you got experience etc
3. Technical Skills – Mention all the technical skills on this section (In good format, if necessary use tables)
4. Certifications - Mention about the Certifications passed.
5. Employment Chronicle- Mention about the professional experience (Most recent first).Include Project name/Client name , a brief summary of project, your responsibility (Means role in the project), and the environment(Which technologies used) which the projects works
CV length should not be more than 2 pages ideally.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments. I actually like to see comments and more debates. Then we people can share the knowledge.
ReplyDeleteNot like actually. If you are applying for a graduate role CV length should not be more than 2 page. But for the experienced guys can keep the CV length up to 4 pages to include all your expertise.